Test master-1

Зохиолч: Atalay Oguz

  • ISBN: 978-99929-6-330-2
  • Хавтас: зөөлөн
  • Хэвлэгдсэн он:
  • Хуудас: 236
  • Хэмжээ:
  • Үлдэгдэл: Дууссан

  • 0.0

  • Үндсэн үнэ: 5,000 ₮
  • Хямдарсан үнэ: 0 ₮
  • Төлөх үнэ: 5,000 ₮

The material in this book is intended to serve as a comprehensive review and practice material for the ESL students of all levels who need extended practice in selected points of skills, and resource material for the English teachers. We believe that the students and teachers will greatly benefit from the book, which will also be a reference for them in future studies and endeavors.

  • batkhuu2024-09-11

    ene nom bga yu? dahij irhuu

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